New   Yinsh-Graphics   for    the   BSW-Client
Here you can download the graphics as zip.
There are no complete-sets...only the backgrounds and action shields (like "remove row") are there.

If you need help to put the graphics in your client look *here*

For comments and new ideas for graphics please use our guestbook :o)

"Halloween 1" : a gift for you on our 7.birthday ;o)

"Halloween 2" : and here a second gift ;o)

"Gras" : The first graphic is for our gardeners :o)

"Chocolate" : for a sweet game

"Fire & Ice" : for this set rings ans markers will follow too

"Night" : For the games late in the night

"Purple" : Simply purple

"Yellow" : oh, what a bright color*g

"Green" : A little bit of green